County: Down Site name: 188m north-west of 58 and 60 Greengraves Road, Ballylisbredan, Dundonald
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/16/102
Author: Dermot Redmond, Gahan & Long
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 743499m, N 873179m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.586509, -5.779794
An archaeological evaluation was undertaken prior to the construction of a residential development on lands approximately 188m north-west of 58 and 60 Greengraves Road, Dundonald. The proposed development is to consist of eleven detached and twenty-four semi-detached houses, with access from the Greengraves Road with some associated road improvements.
Monitoring of all topsoil removal was conducted by mechanical digger fitted with a toothless bucket and was located in the areas of house foundations, services and internal access roads within the development, which constituted almost the entirety of the area within the red line boundary.
The topsoil removed was between 0.2m and 0.8m deep and consisted of a medium brown silty loam. It directly overlaid the naturally occurring subsoil, which was an orange-brown sandy clay. Monitoring of topsoil removal revealed several field drains and plough furrows, but no finds or features of archaeological significance were located.
7-9 Castlereagh Street, Belfast BT5 4NE