2016:724 - Shore Road/Marine Parade, Holywood, Down

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Down Site name: Shore Road/Marine Parade, Holywood

Sites and Monuments Record No.: Holywood AAP Licence number: AE/16/212

Author: Chris Long, Gahan & Long

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 739653m, N 879270m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.642272, -5.836354

An archaeological evaluation was carried out ahead of the proposed construction of a residential development with associated retail units and car parking on lands at the junction of Shore Road/Marine Parade, Holywood.
The archaeological evaluation consisted of the excavation of 4 test trenches across the site using a back-acting machine fitted with a toothless bucket.
An initial layer of tarmac and hardcore (depth 0.15m) was removed from all the trenches, followed by a single layer of modern fill. This directly overlaid the naturally occurring subsoil which consisted of a compact sandy clay. Modern services were identified throughout Trenches 1 and 2.
No archaeological deposits were identified during the course of the evaluation and it was clear that the site had been heavily disturbed in the recent past.

7-9 Castlereagh Street, Belfast BT5 4NE