County: Down Site name: Ardmillan Road, Ardmillan (Ballymartin)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: AE/16/211
Author: Stephen Gilmore
Site type: No archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 750571m, N 863084m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.493820, -5.675648
Test trenching was carried out at Ardmillan Road, Ardmillan, County Down. Ten test trenches were recommended to be opened across the site, however part of the site had been infected with Japanese Knotweed and was not accessible.
The foundations for the slurry tanks and slatted houses were at least 5m deep and so would have removed any archaeology that may have been present prior to their construction. The raft of concrete covering the tanks was in some places up to 0.3m deep. As a result, the original trench locations had to be altered and only seven test trenches were mechanically excavated under supervision. No archaeological material was uncovered in any of the trenches.
NAC, Farset Enterprise Park, 638 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DY