County: Down Site name: Moss Walk, Hillsborough Castel Gardens (Small Park)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: DOW 014:011 Licence number: AE/16/109
Author: Jonathan Barkley
Site type: Medieval church cemetery
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 723937m, N 858864m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.463127, -6.088283
A community excavation was carried out at Hillsborough Castle, Co. Down between 27 July and 6 August 2016. Five trenches were excavated within the area of the believed location of the medieval church of Crumlin (DOW 014:011). The excavation was led by professional archaeologists with the majority of the work being carried out by local volunteers. The excavation uncovered evidence for the cemetery associated with the church and a boundary wall for the cemetery.
Artefactual material recovered included sherds of 18th-century pottery, a lignite bead, a King George III coin, iron nails and prehistoric pottery and worked flint.
NAC, Farset Enterprise Park, 638 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DY