2016:238 - Millvale Road, Bessbrook (Mullaghglass & Cloghreagh), Down

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Down Site name: Millvale Road, Bessbrook (Mullaghglass & Cloghreagh)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: IHR 551, IHR 552, IHR 11057, IHR00527 Licence number: AE/15/217

Author: Jonathan Barkley

Site type: 19th-century flax and flour mills


ITM: E 705936m, N 828424m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.193793, -6.376617

Three areas of archaeology were defined within the site.

Area 1

This area comprised the interior of the still partially upstanding flour mill building as well as its wheel pit and tail race. A number of internal walls were excavated within the building. The walls of the wheel pit and race were exposed and the tunnel, which carried the race under the Millvale Road, was uncovered.

Area 2

This area lay on the northern side of the tail race and comprised a series of ancillary buildings associated with the flour mill as well as the later power house for the Bessbrook and Newry Electric Tramway.

Area 3

The third area was situated away from the flour mill, on the banks of the Bessbrook River. It comprised the remains of a mid-19th-century flax mill and associated race.

The buildings at Millvale formed an important of a late 18th-century mill complex. Whilst this site would on its own be of great value within the industrial archaeological record, its location on the Bessbrook River only increases importance. The Bessbrook River was an area of great industry during the late 18th and 19th centuries, with many mills constructed along its banks and using the river to power their waterwheels. Although the area was renowned for its linen production, in particular the Bessbrook Spinning mill, various types of mill, from flax and bleaching for linen production to flour and spade mills, were all constructed alongside the river. Apart from the large mill at Bessbrook the Millvale was one of the largest that had been constructed and, up to its demolition, was one of the largest flour mills still standing in Northern Ireland. The site was also key within the development of electric trams, although it came after the Giant's Causeway tram, small developments that were applied on the Bessbrook & Newry Tramway would end up being utilised on other tram systems around the world.

NAC, Farset Enterprise Park, 638 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DY