County: Down Site name: NS20 Housing, Movilla Road, Newtownards
Sites and Monuments Record No.: IHR 02640:000:00 Licence number: AE/16/058
Author: Colin Dunlop
Site type: Early Bronze Age and 18th-century vernacular
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 751394m, N 874656m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.597464, -5.657007
The development contained ten areas of archaeological significance. The earliest archaeological features were Early Bronze Age pits which were found in the south-west (Area 4, ITM: X 751270 Y 874642) and north-east (Area, 8 ITM: X 751380 Y 874809) corners of the development which dated to Cal 1885 to 1695 BC (Beta-440287) and Cal 2460 to 2205 BC (beta-440288) respectively. These were clearly not contemporary features as the radiocarbon dates showed that they were in use a minimum of c. 300 years apart. Both however contained burnt cracked stones which were indicative of the use of hot stone technology and indicates a continuity of technological practices. Neither was associated with a burnt mound, though both were in close proximity to boggy areas.
Small pits in Areas 1 (ITM: X 751309 Y 874499), 3 (ITM: X 751446 Y 874602) and 5 (ITM: X 751345 Y 874682), and the large (20m diameter) burnt mound in Area 10 (ITM: X 751512 Y 874767) were undated but were most likely of prehistoric date. The burnt mound was preserved in situ on site as the current proposal did not require this area for development.
A linear ditch in Area 2 (ITM: X 751411 Y 874580) was dated to Cal AD 1280 to 1390 (Beta-440289) and provided evidence for medieval occupation in this area. However, no further contemporary features were encountered.
Early 19th-century industrial activity was identified by quarrying in Areas 5 (ITM: X 751345 Y 874682), 6 (ITM: X 751382 Y 874693) and 7 (ITM: X 751442 Y 874703). Area 7 was a slate quarry pit noted on the 1st edition OS map and recorded as IHR 02640:000:00 on the Sites and Monuments Record. The other two quarries had not previously been identified. The final feature was a late 18th-century vernacular building in Area 9 (ITM: X 751270 Y 874596). The house was initially one large building 10m long and 5m wide (34’ x 16’), with 2 rooms. At a later date the central doorway was then blocked up, forming two separate houses, the southern being a single room, the northern being divided into two rooms. The house corresponded to the footprint on the 1st and 2nd edition OS.
NAC, Farset Enterprise Park, 638 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DY