2016:826 - Tullyally (Redcastle), Donegal

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Donegal Site name: Tullyally (Redcastle)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0093

Author: Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry), 150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 656294m, N 935477m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 55.163392, -7.116561

Pre-development archaeological evaluation works were undertaken on 18 April 2016 at a proposed development site at Tullyally, Redcastle, Lifford, Co. Donegal (Planning Ref: DG 13/51293), having been commissioned by Redcastle Community Development.

Five evaluation trenches comprising a total of c.525m of linear trenching were excavated within the boundaries of the proposed development area.  On-site evaluation works revealed undisturbed glacial subsoil throughout each of the trenches.

No archaeological features, remains, deposits or artifacts were identified during the evaluation works.

Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry), 150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.