2016:203 - Ballindrait & Tieveboy, Donegal

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Donegal Site name: Ballindrait & Tieveboy

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DG070‐081 Licence number: 16E0594

Author: Angela Wallace

Site type: Bridge


ITM: E 630410m, N 899781m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.844961, -7.526537

Works monitored consisted of excavation of several slit trenches and trial pits in Tieveboy and Ballindrait located c.4km west of Lifford in Co. Donegal. Trenches were for the purposes of site investigation works in advance of Donegal Countywide Watermains Rehabilitation Scheme. Works for this portion of the scheme were monitored based on recommendations within a previous Archaeological Impact Assessment.

Works in Ballindrait were located on and in the immediate vicinity of bridge DG070‐081. The bridge is a triple‐arched masonry structure, which is slightly hump‐backed and dates to c. 1740. Works in Tieveboy were located within a green field area, there are no recorded monuments in the immediate vicinity, recommendation to monitor was based on the undisturbed nature of the ground at this location.

No evidence for any archaeological finds, features or deposits were encountered. Hand dug trial pit on Ballindrait Bridge did reveal likelihood that there is very little cover over stone layers for this bridge.


Pier Rd., Enniscrone, Co. Sligo