2016:824 - Dungiven (137 Main Street), Derry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Derry Site name: Dungiven (137 Main Street)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/16/195

Author: Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry)

Site type: No archaeological significance.


ITM: E 669172m, N 909168m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.925433, -6.920872

It has been proposed to develop the site at 137 Main Street, Dungiven, Co. Londonderry on behalf of Mr. Thomas Donaghy, to provide for the re-development of the site comprising the proposed construction of an office/sales two-storey building (Planning Ref: B/2014/0129/F).

The proposed development is within the northern corner of the site and within the footprint of the garage building which formerly occupied the site.  Access and parking will be provided within eastern and southern portions of the PDA.

Invasive groundworks associated with the subject proposal will be limited in scope, and located within the footprint of the now demolished modern garage building.

The proposed development site lies within the Dungiven Area of Archaeological Potential (AAP), with numerous archaeological sites and monuments, industrial and defence heritage sites and historic buildings being recorded within its general vicinity.  In particular, the PDA is located within the immediate vicinity of the post-medieval Dungiven Castle (LDY 025:005).

However, monitoring of all primary ground reduction works confirmed that the area had previously undergone significant ground disturbance associated with the construction of the building which formerly occupied the site with removal of this building and its foundations revealing glacial subsoil.

No archaeological features, deposits or artefacts were identified during the undertaking of archaeological monitoring works at the site.

150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL.