County: Derry Site name: Magherafelt Public Realm
Sites and Monuments Record No.: LDY042:022 Licence number: AE/16/08
Author: Christina O'Regan
Site type: Post-medieval urban
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 689601m, N 890594m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.755354, -6.608015
Testing was undertaken in advance of a public realm scheme in Magherafelt town centre. Archaeological deposits were uncovered in Test Pit 3, at the junction of Moneymore Road and Meeting Street. This consisted of a stone foundation which was found at a depth of 0.4m. Excavations associated with the development that exceeded 0.4m in depth were subject to archaeological monitoring. Deposits above this depth consisted of modern bitmac, concrete and hardcore.
Monitoring of the main phase of works began in April 2016 and lasted intermittently until 7 November 2016. Potential archaeological deposits were identified on Meeting Street. The stone foundation uncovered during the testing phase was again exposed while a lighting pit along the border of the central roundabout uncovered evidence for a brick wall on a stone foundation. This likely relates to the Georgian/Victorian building previously located in the town centre and identified on the first edition OS 6-inch mapping. The location and nature of this feature was fully recorded prior to the completion of works. This was by means of written, drawn and photographic record. Neither feature was negatively impacted upon by the development works and remain preserved in situ.
No other archaeological deposits were identified during the course of the works.
c/o IAC Ltd, 9 Stranmillis Road, Belfast, BT9 5AF