County: Cork Site name: River Bandon, Curranure and Ballylangley townlands
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0490
Author: Edward Pollard
Site type: River dredging
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 551606m, N 556993m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.763160, -8.701088
The Bandon Flood Relief Scheme involves work in the River Bandon from the centre of the historic town to 3.6km to the east. This license was for dredging outside the Zone of Archaeological Potential of Bandon town to O’Driscoll’s Bridge downstream. The dredging involved testing a methodology that the developers can put into practice in May 2017. Dredging took place only on the northern side of the river between 21 and 29 September 2016 and reduced the river in depth to a maximum of 2.34m. No features were revealed during the dredging. Artefacts found were post-medieval, including red brick, brown-glazed red earthenware, white stoneware, and blue and white porcelain.
Judith Carroll & Company, Archaeological Consultants, Pine Forest Centre, Ballybrack Road, Dublin 18