2016:621 - 8 North Main Street, Bandon, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: 8 North Main Street, Bandon

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO110-019001- Licence number: 15E0331

Author: Tony Cummins

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 549142m, N 555181m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.746654, -8.736516

Test trenching was undertaken within a vacant riverside plot in order to comply with planning requirements for a new commercial building. This revealed a mixed layer of demolition rubble, with 19th- and 20th-century inclusions, above natural subsoil and nothing of archaeological significance was identified. This layer appeared to be a combination of rubble from a previous house on the site subsequently augmented with additional material introduced to raise the ground surface above flood levels. The proposed new building will sit on a 1m deep layer of new fill material to be introduced across the site as a flood prevention measure and the raft foundations will not extend down into existing ground surface.

John Cronin & Assocs. Westpoint Trade Centre, Ballincollig, Co. Cork