2016:500 - Ringaskiddy Basin East, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: Ringaskiddy Basin East

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 14D0004 Ext. and 14R0003 Ext.

Author: Rex Bangerter, ADCO

Site type: Seabed; no archaeology found


ITM: E 577635m, N 564526m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.832110, -8.323819

Underwater Archaeological Impact Assessment (UAIA) took place of a section of seabed adjacent to the Ferry Terminal at Ringaskiddy Basin East. This work was undertaken as part of the EIS for the Port of Cork Ringaskiddy Development project, to which ADCO was appointed Project Archaeologists. As part of the Ringaskiddy development it is proposed to insert three new dolphin structures within the ferry terminal at Ringaskiddy Basin East. These structures will extend the existing line of dolphin structures c.97.5m to the north-west, terminating at ITM: 577584E, 564575E. The proposed dolphins are to be positioned at the following coordinates: ITM: 577635E, 564526N, ITM: 577611E, 564550N, and ITM: 577587E, 564572N. In addition, two disused dolphins, located 20m to the east of proposed dolphins, will be subject to removal. These structures are located at ITM: 577652E, 564545N and ITM: 577633E, 564562N.

The UAIA comprised the systematic, non-disturbance, visual assessment of the seabed surrounding the above development components. The on-site work was carried out on 20 November 2016. No material, deposits, or structures of archaeological significance were encountered as part of the assessment.

No. 2, Main Street, Bennettsbridge, Co. Kilkenny