County: Cork Site name: Gortnagross
Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 16E0210
Author: Rob Lynch
Site type: Burnt mound, curvilinear ditches
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 551533m, N 600220m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.151694, -8.708241
A programme of test trenching was undertaken within the site of a 5 MW solar farm with c. 22,200 photovoltaic panels on ground-mounted frames within an area measuring 15.38ha, located at Gortnagross, Mallow, County Cork. Testing was carried out in response to Planning Ref.:15/07003. A geophysical survey of the site did not identify any clear features of archaeological significance and any potential archaeological anomalies that were identified were small in scale (Licence Ref. 16R0056). This was confirmed during testing where a number of small-scale or isolated archaeological features were identified.
The largest site identified was a burnt mound (19m x 12.8m) located in the south-east corner of the northern field. Two curvilinear features were recorded in Trench 9 and Trench 2, respectively, which may be archaeological in nature and could represent remains associated with settlement or agriculture. However, no dateable material was recovered from these features nor were any associated habitation features identified.
A number of additional features of archaeological potential were identified occurring in isolation and were devoid of dateable material. It is difficult to determine the date and function of these features. The remainder of the features identified have no clear archaeological origin and are likely to be related to post-medieval agricultural activity. The fragmented remains of a lime kiln shown on the early 6-inch edition Ordnance Survey mapping survives in the field boundary on the northern side of the of the site access track. This will not be impacted upon by the proposed development.
The level of ground disturbance for the development will be minimal. The access roads will involve an excavation of only 0.2m in depth. The layout of the access road has been redesigned to avoid the burnt mound C16, which will be preserved in situ. The 756m of trenches for the cabling will be 0.8m deep. No features were identified within the route of the proposed cable trenches.
There will be limited piling for the solar arrays. A number of isolated features are located within the footprint of the solar arrays. However, the extent of these features will be set out on the ground in advance of construction and piles forming part of the arrays will be positioned to avoid these features. Therefore, there will be no adverse impact on any of the identified features as a result of the erection of the arrays.
IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow