County: Cork Site name: Barnahely
Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 16E0301
Author: Tim Coughlan
Site type: Pits, post-holes, possible medieval ditch
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 576996m, N 563531m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.823549, -8.333705
Testing was carried out ahead of proposed site development works at Barnahely, Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork to inform a planning application. The site is comprised of 10ha of undeveloped fields of pasture to the south of the R613 Carrigaline to Ringaskiddy road, within the western townland boundary with Raheens. A total of 65 test trenches, measuring 3,070 linear metres, were excavated across the test area over the course of 10 days in June and July 2016. These targeted geophysical anomalies identified in the survey undertaken in June and the greenfield areas (Earthsound Geophysics, 16R0081).
Five Archaeological Areas (AA 1‒5) were identified during testing which appear to represent the remains of small-scale settlement features dating to the prehistoric and medieval periods. The possible medieval features, including a kiln and a field ditch in AA1 and AA 3, may be associated with the occupation of the ringfort CO087-048 to the north of site. Investigation of the burnt spread and pit in AA 2 suggests it may be the remains of a heavily truncated prehistoric burnt mound. The pits in AA 4 and AA 5 have currently provided no diagnostic dating evidence however they may represent ephemeral remains of prehistoric settlement activity. They are possibly related to nearby recorded prehistoric activity to the east (C0087-147 and CO087-148).
Excluding the archaeological features in AA 1–5 the geophysical survey combined with test trenching has indicated that the remaining anomalies and features on site are geological in nature or represent modern disturbance.
Groundworks associated with the proposed development will have a significant direct negative impact on the features identified during testing in AA 1–4, and any associated archaeological remains. These areas have been subject to agricultural truncation and the features are ephemeral in nature. They are considered as possessing a local significance. It was recommended that these areas be preserved by record in advance of construction. The features identified in AA 5 are located in a proposed temporary carpark zone to be used during the construction phase of the project. An area around these features will be fenced off and protected during and after the establishment of the temporary carpark and will be preserved in situ. There is also the potential for previously unrecorded sub-surface remains to exist in the areas outside of the current test trenches and as such it was recommended that ground disturbances be subject to monitoring.
IAC Ltd, Unit G1, Network Enterprise Park, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow