2016:854 - Leagard South, Miltown Malbay, Clare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Clare Site name: Leagard South, Miltown Malbay

Sites and Monuments Record No.: none Licence number: 16E0110

Author: Angela Wallace, Atlantic Archaeology

Site type: Vicinity of Church of Ireland burial ground


ITM: E 505618m, N 679034m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.853946, -9.401374

An archaeological assessment to include pre-development testing was requested at a site in the vicinity of a Graveyard/Cemetery, National Inventory of Architectural Heritage Reg No. 20300609. The assessment was requested due to concerns that burials associated with the adjacent graveyard may extend beyond the boundary wall. Burials can often be recovered outside existing boundaries and test trenches were excavated to determine if this was the case. The proposed development is located at the south-eastern edge of Miltown Malbay, in the townland of Leagard South.
The area for proposed development is currently used as a garden for the adjacent residential dwelling to the south. According to local information, this area was previously used as a yard for livestock left overnight during fair days at the early part of the 20th century. The boundary wall of the garden at the west side of the site adjoins a Church of Ireland graveyard which is listed in the Record of Protected Structures for Co. Clare and also in the National Inventory for Architectural Heritage.
The proposed development site comprises an area measuring 0.0394ha to be used for a carpark along with associated site works. The proposed carpark will be ancillary to the operation of a Londis supermarket during its opening hours and will be open to the general public thereafter.
Six linear test trenches were excavated across the footprint of the proposed development. No evidence for any burials was encountered. No archaeological finds, features or deposits were encountered.

Apart from the boundary wall of the existing Church of Ireland graveyard no other features of archaeological or historical significance have been identified within the footprint of proposed development.

Pier Road, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo