2016:325 - Teergonean, Doolin, Clare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Clare Site name: Teergonean, Doolin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: n/a Licence number: 16E0149

Author: Kate Taylor, TVAS (Ireland) Ltd

Site type: Undated earthworks


ITM: E 507610m, N 697565m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.020792, -9.377083

Test trenching was carried out in advance of a single house development. The testing followed a desk-based assessment and topographical survey that detailed previously unidentified earthworks on the site, consisting of a double-banked trackway and another bank. Four trenches were excavated to examine the earthworks and the remainder of the site. The investigations did not identify any features other than the earthworks, which were shown to be earthen banks with no masonry present. Although the banks were not dated it is noteworthy that the trackway appears to continue towards the ruins of the medieval church of Killilagh.