County: Clare Site name: Killadysert burial ground eastern extension, Killadysert
Sites and Monuments Record No.: CL059-036001 and CL059-036002 Licence number: 15E0048
Author: Kate Taylor, TVAS (Ireland) Ltd
Site type: Undated burnt stone spread and other features
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 525337m, N 658294m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.670668, -9.103932
This licence was used in 2015 for testing and in 2016 was extended to cover monitoring and subsequent excavation. Monitoring of topsoil stripping for the development of a graveyard extension revealed a trough, a pit and four gullies. The trough lay adjacent to a small spread of burnt stone that had been recorded during the earlier test trenching under the same licence. These features were all fully excavated and, although they are currently undated, it is proposed to obtain a radiocarbon determination from charcoal recovered from the trough.