2016:280 - Rathnapish, Carlow

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Carlow Site name: Rathnapish

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 16E0474

Author: John Kavanagh

Site type: Adjacent to cremation pit


ITM: E 673717m, N 678273m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.850332, -6.905560

A test excavation was carried out to assess the archaeological potential of a development site in Castleoaks, Rathnapish, County Carlow. The planned development of 106 residential units is located within 100m of a previously excavated Bronze Age site (05E1359). The test program involved the excavation of eleven test trenches across the site. Two features of potential archaeological significance were uncovered during the course of the excavation: a linear gully and a fire-spot. No datable evidence was recovered. 

12 Cherrymount Drive, Carlow