2016:727 - Headington Manor, Headington Avenue, Lurgan, Armagh

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Armagh Site name: Headington Manor, Headington Avenue, Lurgan

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/16/87

Author: Peter McAuley, Gahan & Long

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 707388m, N 858815m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.466458, -6.343431

An archaeological evaluation was carried out prior to the construction of 56 houses at Headington Manor, lands located adjacent to and south-west of Headington Avenue, Lurgan.
20 test trenches were excavated across the development site. Previous topsoil removal had been conducted in earlier phases of the development. This comprised the eastern half of the site and the area immediately parallel to the railway line which forms the southern boundary. No test trenches were excavated within these areas. The evaluation was conducted using two back-acting machines fitted with toothless buckets.
Trenches ranged in length from 20-50m. Topsoil consisted of a mid-brown sandy silt with a maximum depth of 0.40m and directly overlaid naturally occurring subsoil, a mid-dark orange sandy clay.
No archaeological deposits were identified during the course of the evaluation.

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