County: Antrim Site name: Ballyness/Mallendober (Ballyness Caravan Park, 40 Castlecatt Road, Bushmills)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/16/146
Author: Christopher J. Farrimond, FarrimondMacManus Ltd (Derry)
Site type: Monitoring
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 694690m, N 939471m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 55.193410, -6.512847
Monitoring of primary ground reduction works (topsoil stripping) was undertaken during 12–15 September 2016, having been commissioned by Ballyness Caravan Park, and relates to a Planning Condition under Planning Policy Statement 6: Built Heritage 4 (PPS 6:BH4) for archaeological mitigation associated with a proposed development comprising the construction of an extension of existing caravan park to accommodate 25 new static caravan pitches with associated access and landscaping at 40 Castlecatt Road, Bushmills, Co. Antrim (Planning Ref: LA01/2015/0650/F).
A possible subsoil-cut hearth was identified during monitoring works. However, as it was located at a level below that required for construction, this possible feature was recorded and preserved in situ.
In addition, five flint artefacts (Late Mesolithic butt-trimmed scraper, Late Mesolithic butt-trimmed blade, Neolithic arrowhead, Neolithic blade with notched end and point & Neolithic scraper showing retouch on leading edge), four sherds of prehistoric pottery, a Staffordshire pottery sherd of 18th/19th-century date, a sherd of 19th/20th-century Blackware and a clay pipe stem were recovered from the topsoil during monitoring of topsoil removal. However, none of these artefacts was recovered from a datable feature or archaeological context.
150 Elmvale, Culmore, Derry BT48 8SL