2015:587 - Woodburn Primary School, Carrickfergus - Middle Division, Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: Woodburn Primary School, Carrickfergus - Middle Division

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/15/224

Author: Ciara MacManus

Site type: No archaeology found


ITM: E 739057m, N 888682m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.726942, -5.841096

An archaeological evaluation was carried out in support of a planning application for a proposed new school building at Woodburn Primary School at Carrickfergus, Co Antrim. The proposed development lies within an archaeological landscape while an archaeological evaluation carried out in 2008 uncovered the remains of possible archaeological material in the form of linear ditches containing worked flint located within the footprint of the proposed school. The exact nature and full extent of these archaeological features remained undetermined. Therefore an archaeological assessment of the impact which the proposed development would have on any archaeological remains which may survive was required, this taking the form of more extensive archaeological test trenching within the area of those previously identified archaeological remains.

A total of 5 test trenches were excavated across the site set perpendicular to the previous evaluation trenches, however these failed to identify archaeological remains revealing topsoil to directly overlie a clean boulder clay subsoil. Based upon the results of the archaeological evaluation it is recommended that no further archaeological works are required in relation to the proposed development.

FarrimondMacManus Ltd, Adelaide House, Hawthorn Business Centre, 1 Falcon Road, Belfast