County: Antrim Site name: Carngraney Road, Templepatrick - Ballynabarnish
Sites and Monuments Record No.: ANT056:007 Licence number: AE/16/92E
Author: Ciara MacManus
Site type: Prehistoric
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 724853m, N 883713m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.686047, -6.063595
Pre-development test trenching was carried out at the site of a proposed landfill development at lands 140m south-west of No. 21 Carngraney Road, Templepatrick, Co. Antrim in response to a request for more information from DoC: Historic Environment Division under Planning Policy PPS6 BH3.
A desk-based study and site visit confirmed that the proposed landfill site is located within a rich archaeological landscape and that ANT056:007- a possible early medieval rath site - is located within 30m of the south-west boundary of the area of proposed landfill. A recent site visit also identified potential prehistoric deposits in the form of burnt mound material along the banks of a minor water course which runs along the centre of the landfill area. Subsequent test trenching at the site failed to identify any archaeological remains within the development area associated with the recorded monument. Topsoil stripping around the area of the burnt mound material also confirmed that this archaeological activity was localised in nature and subsequent hand excavation and recording proved it to be the remains of a prehistoric cooking trough which had been much disturbed by modern agricultural land improvements. As no further archaeological remains were encountered during the test trenching and all existing archaeological deposits underwent preservation through record, it is recommended that no further archaeological works are required in association with the planning application.
FarrimondMacManus Ltd, Adelaide House, Hawthorn Business Centre, 1 Falcon Road, Belfast