2016:292 - 98 Glenavy Road (Ballycarrickmaddy), Lisburn, Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: 98 Glenavy Road (Ballycarrickmaddy), Lisburn

Sites and Monuments Record No.: ANT 063:025 Licence number: AE/16/31E

Author: Sarah Nicol

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 720612m, N 868211m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.547867, -6.135721

The proposed development was in close proximity to ANT 063:025, an enclosure, possibly an Early Christian rath. The archaeological evaluation was required to assist the NIEA to make an informed response to the Planning Service.

No archaeological strata, features or artefacts were observed during the test trenching that were earlier than the late 19th or early 20th century. The evaluation at the proposed development revealed nothing of archaeological significance. No evidence of the enclosure/rath was uncovered and it was suggested that the archaeology could be further to the north. The seven test trenches which were excavated during this current phase of works were situated to the north of the potential enclosure/rath (ANT063:025), and three of the trenches were elongated with the purpose of catching the ditch of the rath. However the author believes that given the ground conditions this potential ‘rath’ is a geological feature and not an archaeological feature, as it sits in a hollow which is actually quite boggy and not a suitable location for a rath. The preferred location for the house is located on the top of a drumlin, this is the best location for any archaeological settlement remains and as such the test trenches were tightly spaced in this area; nothing of archaeological significance was uncovered. The hollow continues between the preferred house location and the existing farm across the field, and would have made an unsuitable location for a settlement.

Based on the information from the 2011 test trenching and this present test trenching, the author does not believe the ‘enclosure’ listed as ANT 063:025 is actually an archaeological feature or settlement, but rather a geological feature that has been misinterpreted. If this was a ‘rath’ Test Trenches 1-3 in this current phase of trenching would have found the rath ditch.  

NAC, Farset Enterprise Park, 638 Springfield Road, Belfast, BT12 7DY