2015:474 - Clifden, Clarabricken, Co Kilkenny., Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: Clifden, Clarabricken, Co Kilkenny.

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 15E0106

Author: Seán Shanahan & Bríd Kirby

Site type: medieval - identified nothing of archaeological significance.


ITM: E 657762m, N 656875m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.659979, -7.146172

Archaeological test trench investigation was carried out in advance of residental development.  

There are no recorded monuments in the immediate development area and no surface anomalies were recorded.  The closest site, Clarabricken Castle (KK020-016), is situated approximately 90m NNE of the proposed development.  

5 trenches were investigated.

Trench 1 (NNW-SSE): Depth of trench between 0.3-0.5m.  The proposed development sites slopes gently towards the road at this location. Bedrock was encountered at an approximate depth of 0.15m. An ex-situ granite window sill, 1.2m x 0.36m x 0.08m, was uncovered, in additional to occasional fragments of roof slate and occasional limestone rubble. Tom Carrigan (pers. comm.) recalls this corner of the field being levelled with debris from a shed in the farmyard. Dark brown humic topsoil overlies mid-dark brown sandy clay subsoil with frequent small pebbles.

Trench 2 (NNE-SSW): Depth of trench 0.12-0.3m.  Dark brown humic topsoil overlies mid-dark brown sandy clay subsoil with frequent small pebbles. Bedrock exposed at N end of trench at an approximate depth of 0.12m.

Trench 3 (WSW-ENE): Depth of trench 0.12-0.35m.  Dark brown humic topsoil overlies mid-dark brown sandy clay subsoil with frequent small pebbles. Bedrock exposed at W end of trench at an approximate depth of 0.12m.

Trench 4 (WSW-ENE): Depth of trench 0.12-0.3m.  Dark brown humic topsoil overlies mid-dark brown sandy clay subsoil with frequent small pebbles. Bedrock exposed at W end of trench at an approximate depth of 0.12m.

Trench 5 (WSW-ENE): 0.1-0.25m.  Dark brown humic topsoil overlies mid-dark brown sandy clay subsoil with frequent small pebbles. Bedrock exposed at E end of trench at an approximate depth of 0.1m.


Archaeological test-trenching across the area proposed for development identified nothing of archaeological significance.


Shanarc Archaeology Ltd, 39A Hebron Business Park, Hebron Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny