2015:114 - Thomond Villas, Skehanagh, Clarecastle, Clare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Clare Site name: Thomond Villas, Skehanagh, Clarecastle

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CL041-089 Licence number: 15E0489

Author: Nora Bermingham

Site type: Medieval castle

Period/Dating: Late Medieval (AD 1100-AD 1599)

ITM: E 535215m, N 674341m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.816146, -8.961072

Test excavations were undertaken on land bordering the castle at Clarecastle, Co. Clare. Clare County Council have proposed to redevelop flood embankments to the south-west and north-east of the existing castle compound. Four test trenches and three trial pits were opened, using a mechanical excavator fitted with a toothless bucket, at locations chosen by the Council and agreed with the DAHG. Each trench cut through existing flood banks, all of which were found to comprise permeable material, namely made-ground containing rubble, brick, mortar, pieces of wood and plastic etc, over alluvium. Trenches 1, 4 and 5, and trial pits 1 and 2 did produce deposits of archaeological significance. Trial pits 1 and 2 were made through grassy flooded ground, while trial pit 3 was located in a gravel-covered car park.

Trench 3, situated east of the castle compound, contained a buried soil horizon, likely garden soil. This horizon directly underlay the existing flood bank, itself likely established in the late 20th century. The buried horizon did not produce any finds but its position in the profile suggests it is post-medieval or later in origin.

The remains of a masonry wall were revealed in trial pit 3, situated in the existing car park to the south-west of the castle. The wall was aligned approximately north-west/south-east, at least 2m high and comprised of at least 10 courses of limestone-cut blocks. It appeared to be mortared. Immediately east of and behind the wall was masonry rubble. An aluminum drink can was found within rubble removed from the trial pit. The wall could not be examined safely because the pit sides were unstable. Cartographic review showed that the castle's outer enclosure wall once extended along this line southwards towards the R348 but that its southern end was demolished sometime before 1994. It is probable that the wall revealed during testing represents part of the enclosure wall. This wall was in place in the 19th century and could have earlier origins.

TVAS Ireland Ltd, Ahish, Ballinruan, Co. Clare