County: Tyrone Site name: 33 Dunroe Road, Clogher
Sites and Monuments Record No.: TYR 059:058 Licence number: AE/14/146E
Author: Norman Crothers / Gahan & Long Ltd
Site type: undated burnt mound and pits, poss. Bronze Age
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 656195m, N 851488m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.408873, -7.134377
An archaeological evaluation was carried prior to the proposed construction of two poultry units, a utility building, 4 meal bins and associated site works at lands approximately 170m NW of 33 Dunroe road, Clogher, Co. Tyrone. The development site contain one recorded monument, TYR 059:058, identified on the SMR as a platform rath. The site was destroyed as a result of a reclamation scheme in 1986 and was completely levelled.
In total 6 evaluation trenches were mechanically excavated with a toothless bucket working and under strict archaeological supervision.
The results of the testing and excavation revealed evidence of two areas of archaeological deposits with the main area of activity located along the line of Trench 1 and Trench 3.
In Trench 1 area, the activity took the form of three burnt spreads and a pit located under the spread. The three spreads were made up of very similar material consisting of brown/grey silty clay with frequent charcoal and heat shattered and fire reddened stones while the upper fill of the pit also showed evidence of burning.
The remaining archaeological activity, found in trench 3, consisted of 2 inter-cutting pits which may be indirectly related to the burnt mound area. Both pits had very similar fills with both showing evidence of burning at their bases. This may suggest that the pits were used for the same purpose and dated to the same period showing continuity of use and provide evidence of isolated activity within the higher ground to the southwest.
No artefacts were recovered, however burnt mound sites are most commonly dated to the Bronze Age.
7-9 Castlereagh Street, Belfast BT5 4NE