County: Tyrone Site name: Clogher Hill Fort, Clogher Demesne
Sites and Monuments Record No.: TYR 058:033 Licence number: AE/14/139
Author: Chris Long, Gahan & Long Ltd
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 653834m, N 851222m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.406739, -7.170781
An archaeological evaluation was undertaken prior to the insertion of a water main across lands to the south of Clogher Hill Fort, Clogher, Co Tyrone. The proposed water main passes through Clogher Hill Fort (TYR 058:033) which is both a State Care and Scheduled monument. The site consists of a number of components stretching from the Bronze Age through to Early Christian times. The main was inserted by directional drilling, minimising disturbance to the hill fort.
A total of 4 pits were excavated manually, as per the requirements of the Scheduled Monument Consent. All four pits were located directly above the line of the existing main. In all cases following the removal of the sod, a single layer of topsoil ranging from 0.1-0.2m was removed from the pits. This gave way to a layer of fill material which was comprised of re-deposited subsoil. This was a relatively compact light brown gritty clay with frequent inclusions of large stones. The pits were excavated to a depth of approximately 1m whereupon the original main was exposed.
No evidence of any archaeological deposits was identified during the course of the pit excavations.
7-9 Castlereagh Street, Belfast BT5 4NE