2014:136 - Seamount Road, Malahide townland, Malahide, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Seamount Road, Malahide townland, Malahide

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU012-032---- Licence number: 14E0161

Author: Dermot Nelis

Site type: Barrow, enclosure and resource processing area


ITM: E 723550m, N 745230m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.442656, -6.140238

The development involved the construction of 159 dwellings and renovation of a one-storey derelict gate lodge (a Protected Structure) on an overall site of 11.5 hectares (28.4 acres).

Monitoring of groundworks was carried out by Dermot Nelis and Enda Lydon. No archaeological features or artefacts were revealed in the western end of the development area.

There was no surviving trace of mound DU012-032) which is recorded within the site, possibly due to extensive levelling dated to c. 1900.

Monitoring towards the middle and eastern end of the development area uncovered extensive previously unrecorded archaeological remains taking the form of a prehistoric barrow to the north of the site, an unenclosed resource processing area consisting of a number of ditches, pits and kilns of possible early medieval date to the west of the site, and a circular enclosure, possibly a poorly preserved ringfort of early medieval date, in the south-west corner of the site. These features were excavated by Antoine Giacometti under Licence 14E0161 Extension and post-excavation is ongoing at the time of writing.

36 Fingal Street, Dublin 8