2013:353 - Lisburn, Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: Lisburn

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/12/50E

Author: Peter Bowen and Lynsey Morton

Site type: Prehistoric?


ITM: E 0m, N 0m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.531855, -6.084936

Monitoring of ground works was carried out at a proposed housing development situated on lands to the south of the Beanstown Road. This development was part of a much larger project that started in 2004 and which consisted of housing, areas of green space and recreation space and a new feeder road constructed in North Lisburn

Monitoring took place intermittently, between 14 January and 19 February 2013. The subsoil consisted of mid orangey brown sandy clay with moderate large and medium stone inclusions. This was overlain with mid greyish brown clayey silt topsoil measuring between 0.4m and 0.7m thick. During monitoring, a small number of archaeological deposits were uncovered - two small pits and a small post-hole.

The three features were located close together and given the otherwise archaeologically sterility of the site, were presumably contemporary. No dateable finds were recovered from any of the three features, but substantial evidence for prehistoric activity was uncovered during earlier phases of the project, especially dating to the Bronze Age period. This activity is evident by a Bronze Age round house to the east and two sub-circular troughs containing burnt stone and a rectangular stone-lined feature to the immediate south of this site. While it is impossible to ascertain if the three features uncovered during this phase of works have any relationship with the previously recorded archaeology, it is possible given the archaeological ambience of the locale.

Archaeological Development Services Ltd, 96 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HE.