County: Kerry Site name: Kilpaddoge
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 12E0347
Author: Dermot Nelis
Site type: Fulacht fiadh and two burnt spreads
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 505490m, N 648670m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.581097, -9.394544
The development involved the construction of an electricity generating plant measuring 140.8m north-west/south-east x 94m at Kilpaddoge, Tarbert. Development also included a control building, fuel storage area, a site access road, an electrical substation and a 60m long underground transmission line which connects the development to the national grid.
The excavation of 18 test trenches located throughout the development area revealed a previously unrecorded fulacht fiadh and the remains of two small previously unrecorded burnt spreads. Due to the discovery of the fulacht fiadh, the location of the access road has been redesigned and this monument has been preserved in situ. The two small burnt spreads were fully excavated at the time of testing. No additional archaeological features or artefacts were recorded.
The fulacht fiadh (centred on ITM coordinates 505549 648619) had maximum exposed dimensions of approximately 26.5m north-south x 22m and was located in low-lying pastureland which was very wet underfoot. With the exception of the areas chosen for testing, the fulacht fiadh has been preserved in situ. Very limited hand testing of an area measuring 0.2m x 0.2m at the top of the mound revealed burnt stone immediately under the overgrown topsoil, and limited partial clearing of gorse bushes, which covered the monument, established that the mound is approximately 0.75m in height.
A compact spread of burnt and head-shattered stone measuring 0.82m east-west x 0.22m x 0.1m deep in a moderate charcoal and silty clay matrix was excavated towards the northern end of Trench 2 (centered on ITM coordinates 505460 648725). Generally the stone measured 50mm x 50mm x 30mm with occasional 80mm x 80mm x 50mm inclusions, and was located in an area which was very wet underfoot and which filled with water immediately on excavation. No archaeological artefacts were revealed. The feature was directly under topsoil and sealed natural.
A compact spread of burnt and heat-shattered stone measuring 1.5m east-west x 1.2m x 40-50mm deep in an occasional charcoal and silty clay matrix was excavated 3m from the southern end of Trench 3 (centred on ITM coordinates 505524 648657). The southern end of Trench 3 was widened by 1.9m either side of the trench to fully define the extent of the feature (giving a maximum width of the trench of 5.7m at the southern end).
Generally the stone measured 50-100mm x 50mm x 30mm, and was located on a small naturally raised area surrounded by waist-high rushes. No archaeological artefacts were revealed. The feature was directly under topsoil and sealed natural.
36 Fingal Street, Dublin 8