2012:310 - Glanbane, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: Glanbane

Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE039-065` Licence number: 12E144

Author: William O’Brien

Site type: Hillfort


ITM: E 492286m, N 608523m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.217925, -9.576389

Sample excavation was conducted in July 2012 at a prehistoric hillfort in Glanbane, Co. Kerry. This involved trenching the inner and outer enclosing elements to record details of form and construction. The inner enclosure was surrounded by a rock-cut ditch with a stone-faced internal bank. A similar arrangement was discovered around the outer enclosure. Samples were recovered for radiocarbon dating. There are no artefacts or other occupation-related finds from the excavation.

Department of Archaeology, University College Cork