County: Kerry Site name: An Cheapaigh
Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE035-153 Licence number: 12E421
Author: Tori McMorran
Site type: Burial ground/cemetery
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 452565m, N 613027m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.249189, -10.159280
The National Monuments Service commissioned an investigation and survey of the tidal island, Lady’s Island, located adjacent to the shoreline in An Cheapaigh. This work was undertaken following the discovery of human bone and possible cist-like structures in October 2011. At this time it was thought that the presence of a layer of white quartz in the exposed stratigraphy and the site’s liminal location might indicate the presence of a cillín or children’s burial ground. An archaeological investigation was conducted at the site over the course of one week in November 2012. During the course of this work a full survey of the site and an examination of the stratigraphy indicated the presence of a single layer of tightly packed cist-like stone structures overlain by a layer of stone, white quartz and sand. Taking into consideration the fragile condition of the site it was decided to keep intrusive investigation to a minimum. The site was recorded as a possible children’s burial ground and added to the SMR and RMP in 2011. 2012 investigations suggest the site is of a more complex nature. Dr Claire Mullins has since identified the bone remains as those of a young adult.
Rose Cottage, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary