County: Galway Site name: Mullaghmore East and Carrownabo
Sites and Monuments Record No.: GA045-036 Licence number: 12E0404
Author: Patricia Long
Site type: Ringfort
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 559533m, N 747836m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.479000, -8.609635
Site specific test excavation by hand, topsoil stripping by machine over and adjacent to conjoined ringfort GA045-036 and a topographical survey were carried out between 12 and 15 November 2012 on behalf of Galway County Council. The works were undertaken as part of the Archaeological Services Contract prior to the commencement of construction works associated with the N63 Carrownabo Realignment Scheme, Co. Galway.
Two test trenches, comprising a total of 50m2 of trenching, were excavated to investigate the interior and bank of the ringfort. The investigations established the nature of the bank and identified a previously unrecorded external fosse delineating the outer perimeter of the monument. An internal metalled surface was also identified.
Topsoil stripping by machine was also carried out at a specified location adjacent to the monument. This stripped area measured 58.5m². Four linear features were identified in this area. They did not appear to be related to the enclosure and were characteristic of post-medieval agricultural features.
A topographical survey was carried out to record the monument as well as its setting, covering an area measuring 14,000m2. No previously unknown features were identified.
The existing N63 road bisects the monument and the current realignment will impact the small surviving portion of bank, internal metalled surface and external fosse lying immediately south of the existing road.
Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd, Unit 2, Europa Enterprise Park, Midleton, Co. Cork