2013:070 - Knockaunroe, Castlegar Bog, Galway

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Galway Site name: Knockaunroe, Castlegar Bog

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 11E0195

Author: Jane Whitaker

Site type: Peatland


ITM: E 592262m, N 739873m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.408932, -8.311744

This site was located 7m north of CGR050 (11E0194?) and was visible in the drain face and on the field surface along the western extent of the Bord na Móna machine pass (access) into the bog and immediately east of private turbary plots. It was composed of randomly laid brushwood underlain by parallel longitudinally laid planks and roundwood interspersed with brushwood. This site was orientated east-west and probably survives beyond the western limit of the bog. The planks measured 0.1m and 0.04m in depth, the roundwood measured 0.1-0.14m in diameter and the average diameter of the brushwood measured 0.03m. The peat was composed of well humified Sphagnum-rich peat with moderate Eriophorum and Calluna inclusions.

Unit 4 The Printhouse, 22-23 South Cumberland Street, Dublin 2