Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 11E0199
Author: Cia McConway and Vincent McClorey
Site type: Monitoring—no archaeological significance
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 534895m, N 568869m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.868208, -8.945381
Archaeological Development Services Ltd, having been commissioned by Bord Gáis Networks, conducted monitoring along the route of a proposed gas pipeline associated with a 21km gas feeder-main from Brinny AGI to the Danone Nutricia Plant at Castleview, Co. Cork.
Monitoring was required along the route but especially where the pipe trench passed through the zones of archaeological constraint relating to recorded monuments. The zones of constraint of eighteen monuments were traversed by the pipeline. Although the pipeline route had no direct impact upon these monuments, it was possible that associated archaeological features could be uncovered.
The pipeline route was divided into three sections and therefore monitoring was carried out under three licences, 11E0197 (above, No. 83), 11E0198 (below, No. 117) and 11E0199. Monitoring was carried out intermittently between May and September 2011. No deposits of archaeological potential were uncovered.
Archaeological Development Services, 96 University Street, Belfast BT7 1HE