2011:086 - CARRIG DEMESNE, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: CARRIG DEMESNE

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO033-040 Licence number: 10E511

Author: Annette Quinn

Site type: Landscape feature


ITM: E 560585m, N 59995m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.149987, -8.575947

The work relating to this site was undertaken in January 2011. The excavation of three test trenches across the site of a designed landscape feature (CO033-040) did not reveal any evidence for subsurface elements such as a fosse or any associated features which could be interpreted as archaeological in nature. The ‘monument’ is likely to have comprised a topographical feature apparent as a natural rise in the ground level, defined by a rocky break of slope at its southern side. This test excavation was undertaken at the request of the County Council owing to its proximity to a private dwelling house for which retention (permission) was being sought.

Tobar Archaeological Services, Saleen, Midleton, Cork