County: Cork Site name: Caherbaroul
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 10E0493
Author: Miriam Carroll
Site type: Wedge tomb
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 535944m, N 578345m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.953498, -8.931915
All work relating to this licence was undertaken in 2011. Tobar Archaeological Services were engaged by the client to carry out an archaeological assessment and damage report for the site at the request of the Environmental Section of Cork County Council and Mary Sleeman, Archaeologist. Dumping of spoil and general land reclamation works in the vicinity of CO060-079/002, Standing Stone, and CO060-079/003, Wedge Tomb, resulted in the partial destruction of a wedge tomb at Caherbaroul, Macroom. A rescue excavation was subsequently undertaken on foot of the damage report.
The spoil heap/stock-piled soil, which was located in the suspected area of the wedge tomb, was removed using a machine under supervision. The area immediately south of the spoil heap was cleared manually, as it was apparent that little topsoil remained here. The presence of an upright stone (broken) also suggested that this area might be the site of the levelled wedge tomb. Approximately 0.05–0.1m of disturbed topsoil and horse manure was removed by hand from an area measuring approximately 6m (east–west) by 9m, centring on the aforementioned upright stone slab. The entire area was then trowelled in order to ascertain whether any archaeological features or deposits associated with the tomb survived in situ. A number of potential features were uncovered, although many were truncated and disturbed.
A number of shallow cuts interpreted as truncated stone sockets were excavated, but no in situ deposits relating to the use of the wedge tomb survived. The broken upright stone at the south has been interpreted as the possible back stone, but no side stones survived in situ. No datable finds or charcoal were recovered during the excavation.
Tobar Archaeological Services, Saleen, Midleton, Cork