2011:079 - BALLYCOTTON, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: BALLYCOTTON

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO089-041 Licence number: 11E0384

Author: Miriam Carroll

Site type: Post-medieval


ITM: E 599380m, N 563529m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.826944, -8.003056

Testing was undertaken on a site for a proposed extension to a house at Main Street, Ballycotton, which is adjacent to the ‘site of’ a church. Three test trenches were excavated on the footprint of the extension. No finds or features of archaeological interest were uncovered. Post-medieval pottery, crockery and glass were recovered from the topsoil.

Tobar Archaeological Services, Saleen, Midleton, Co. Cork