2011:077 - ASSOLAS, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: ASSOLAS

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO023-336 Licence number: 11E0275

Author: Aidan Harte

Site type: Possible kiln or furnace


ITM: E 542222m, N 602469m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.171012, -8.844670

Monitoring was carried out during April/May and again in September 2011 to the west of Assolas House (CO023-15301) in an area 1km south of the battlefield of Knocknanuss (CO023-106).

A single archaeological feature was found during works, 0.4m below the surface. In plan this comprised two conjoined subcircular deposits. The feature measured 2.3m north-north-east/south-south-west in overall length; the northern subcircular element measured 1m north-east/south-west by 0.9m, while the element extending to the south was 1.3m long with a width varying from 0.6m to 1m. The fill of this southern part was soft, dark brownish-grey clayey silt with many flecks and small pieces of charcoal. There were also many heat-shattered stones within this fill. The fill of the subcircular element was similar, but with occasional fine pebbles and flecks of charcoal found along the inner edge. This suggests a circular cut feature of multiple fills with an extension to the south.

The deposits were preserved in situ but appear to represent a small kiln or furnace. The surrounding natural subsoil did not appear to have been intensely heat-affected. Furthermore, no pottery or slag was uncovered or charred grains noted. It may, however, represent small-scale smelting or a corn-drying kiln.

Munster Archaeology, Ballymacredmond, Butlerstown, Bandon, Co. Cork