County: Wexford Site name: Ryleen 1
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E004115
Author: James Hession, Headland Archaeology (Ireland) Ltd, Unit 1, Wallingstown Business Park, Little Island, Cork.
Site type: Pit and features of uncertain function
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 676098m, N 627201m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.391058, -6.881960
Excavations at Ryleen 1 were undertaken on behalf of Wexford County Council as part of the Stage (iii) archaeological services contract prior to the commencement of construction of the N25 New Ross bypass road scheme.
Excavation at Ryleen 1 revealed a pit of uncertain function. This was sub-oval to irregular in plan and had maximum dimensions of 1.63m long (north-west/south-east), 1.15m wide and 0.22m deep. Its fills consisted of sandy silts with occasional pebbles, stones and charcoal flecks. Two sherds of prehistoric pottery were also recovered from this feature. A possible circular stake-hole, which measured 0.1m in diameter by 0.1m deep, and a charcoal-rich deposit, measuring 0.23m in diameter and 0.05m deep, were also recorded.
Several features of uncertain archaeological significance were also identified at Ryleen 1. These varied in plan but were mainly irregular with dimensions of 0.52–1.45m in length, 0.49–0.73m in width and 0.11–0.45m in depth. Some of the fills showed evidence of oxidisation, with others containing small quantities of palaeoenvironmental and artefactual material, including charcoal flecks, pebbles and stones. A struck lithic artefact and three sherds of prehistoric pottery were also recovered from one feature.