2010:269 - Stanhope Street National School, Manor Street, Dublin, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Stanhope Street National School, Manor Street, Dublin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU018–020 Licence number: 10E0137

Author: Melanie McQuade, Margaret Gowen & Co. Ltd, 27 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Site type: Post-medieval occupation


ITM: E 714235m, N 734961m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.352513, -6.284093

Test excavations were carried out on the site of a proposed development within the school grounds. The proposed development is located on the site of the now demolished late 19th-century school structures. The recorded site of Grange Gorman medieval manor, DU018–020(565), is located c. 90m to the south-east of the testing area.
Three test-trenches were excavated within the footprint of the proposed development. A post-medieval garden soil was uncovered at the southern end of the site and ceramic sherds within this deposit indicate that it dates from the 18th or 19th century. No other features or finds of archaeological significance were uncovered in the test-trenches or engineering trial-pits, and the indications are that much of the site was disturbed during the construction of the late 19th-century school building and later extensions to that structure.