2010:253 - 253. Abbey Street, Dublin, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 253. Abbey Street, Dublin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU018–020 Licence number: 10E0224

Author: Emer Dennehy, Railway Procurement Agency, Parkgate Business Centre, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8.

Site type: Urban


ITM: E 715968m, N 734570m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.348625, -6.258209

Luas Line A (or Luas Red Line) runs for approximately 15.5km from Tallaght in south County Dublin to The Point in Dublin city centre. The Railway Procurement Agency was granted planning permission by Dublin City Council to permanently widen the existing Abbey Street Stop, located on the south side of Abbey Street Lower. Monitoring of all subsurface works associated with the stop development was undertaken due to the location of the proposed works within the constraint zone for historic Dublin (DU018–020). The works area is also located within a zone of archaeological interest as identified in the Dublin City Development Plan (2005–2011).
Monitoring of ground-reduction works associated with the widening of the stop commenced on 28 and was completed on 30 August 2010. Two demolition deposits of late 18th/early 19th-century date were exposed in section only, in the south-west of the excavation area. These deposits were preserved in situ.