2010:249 - Clogher Road, Crumlin, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: Clogher Road, Crumlin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 10E0165

Author: Dermot Nelis, 36 Fingal Street, Dublin 8.

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 713511m, N 732049m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.326516, -6.296004

Test-trenching, lasting one day, was undertaken at Pearse College of Further Education, Clogher Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12. The development will involve the construction of a single storey crèche building, including all associated drainage, services, car-parking and ancillary site works. The total site area measures 2,943m², with the floor area of the proposed building measuring 590m². The excavation of four test-trenches located throughout the development area failed to reveal any archaeological features or artefacts. The remains of a modern quarry were revealed in the middle of the site, while modern services were recorded throughout the northern end of the proposed development area. No archaeological features or artefacts were revealed as a result of testing.