2008:1192 - Drumnafern, area 52, Tyrone

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tyrone Site name: Drumnafern, area 52

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/07/213

Author: James McKee, for ADS Ltd, Unit 6, 21 Old Channel Road, Belfast, BT3 9DE.

Site type: Prehistoric pits


ITM: E 475280m, N 560251m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.486110, -6.844722

This site was investigated under the monitoring licence as part of the proposed corridor improvements of the line of the A4 between Dungannon and Ballygawley where 15km of new road will be constructed. A total of 43 SMR sites lie within 500m of either side of the new road alignments. In general these sites date to the Early Christian period, with many raths, enclosures and a number of ecclesiastical sites represented. Prehistoric activity – both settlement and ritual, is very poorly represented.
The desk-based assessment undertaken by John Cronin & Associates identified a total of 67 areas requiring pre-development testing, or recording, of which 21 were located on the route of the proposed realignment between Dungannon and Ballygawley. These show archaeological activity ranging from the prehistoric through to the Early Christian and post-medieval periods. There are several sites of archaeological interest in close proximity to Area 52, the nearest of which is a rath, with a further two raths, a crannog and a bullaun stone also in the near vicinity.
Area 52 was located at Chainage 14100 and situated at the bottom of a slope. The site consisted of two separate sides, 52A (measuring c. 15m by 30m) and 50m further to the east 52B (measuring c. 4.5m by 4.8m). Located beside a modern drain and a field boundary ditch, two possible pit-boilers and associated smaller spreads of burnt-mound material were discovered. Furthermore, two smaller features were excavated which might represent the remains of a possible post-hole and a stake-hole. A flint find was discovered in one of the pits, while the main bulk of the finds came from the topsoil.