2007:1833 - Monamintra, Waterford

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Waterford Site name: Monamintra

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 07E0676

Author: Dane J. Lalonde, Ballinaparka, Aglish, Waterford.

Site type: Burnt spread and troughs


ITM: E 662240m, N 606240m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.204420, -7.089404

A burnt mound measuring c. 9m east–west by 8m was excavated to reveal two shallow rectangular pit features, commonly referred to as troughs, cut into the natural subsoil. Preliminary analysis indicates continued or multiple use of the area over time. It appears that when the earliest trough fell into disuse a new trough was constructed which incorporated the earlier one within it. There is evidence that this new trough included a wattle and daub wall or screen on its northern edge. Both features had evidence for wooden lining on the base and sides, which indicates a probable water-retention function. Two pieces of worked flint and one piece of preserved worked wood thought to represent the remains of a stake were recovered.