2007:1022 - AR152, Templemartin, Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: AR152, Templemartin

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: A032/165; E3849

Author: Emma Devine, Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd, 120B Greenpark Road, Bray, Wicklow.

Site type: Kilns


ITM: E 654442m, N 655869m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.651286, -7.195397

This site was located within the N9/N10 Kilcullen to Waterford road scheme along Contract 2, Phase 4B, Knocktopher to Powerstown, on a west-facing slope in heavily ploughed agricultural lands. An area 15m by 15m was stripped of topsoil and two kilns (1.54m by 0.7m by 0.43m depth and 1.85m by 1.28m by 0.47m depth) were observed. Both were keyhole-shaped and aligned south-east/north-west with the flue facing north-west. The base and sides of both had been exposed to intense heat; one exhibited more reddening and may have been the earlier of the two. Charcoal-rich layers overlay the bases in both kilns. Both had then been abandoned and silted up due to natural water action and erosion.