2007:905 - AR086, Danesfort, Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: AR086, Danesfort

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: A032/062; E3458

Author: Richard Jennings, Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd, 120B Greenpark Road, Bray, Wicklow.

Site type: Prehistoric activity


ITM: E 653026m, N 648391m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.584217, -7.217532

This site was located within the N9/N10 Kilcullen to Waterford road scheme along Contract 2, Phase 4, Knocktopher to Powerstown. The site of a temporary shelter, discovered in a 15m2 excavation area, was made up of a 3.2m by 0.4m by 0.27m deep curvilinear gully trench that may have held four timbers and two possible post-holes that supported posts for a possible lean-to-type structure. A single pit was discovered 2.5m to the east of the structure. No finds were recovered.