2007:893 - Coolmore, Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: Coolmore

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: A032/039; E3394

Author: Graeme Laidlaw, Valerie J. Keeley Ltd, Brehon House, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny.

Site type: Monitoring


ITM: E 652149m, N 634139m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.456214, -7.232705

Topsoil monitoring was undertaken prior to the construction of the N9/N10 dual carriageway in areas which could not be included in the main programme of centre-line testing. The site was located in the townland of Coolmore, 3.5km from the village of Ballyhale. The work was undertaken between 10 and 19 April 2007.
Three features of archaeological significance were identified in the northern section of the area. These consisted of a rectangular feature that measured 1.4m by 1.2m by 0.17m and had a deposit of charcoal-rich fill lying above oxidised natural, a subcircular feature measuring 0.82m by 0.56m by 0.14m which was filled by a mid-brown sandy clay with occasional charcoal flecking, and an oval feature which measured 1.4m by 0.55m by 0.21m and was filled by a mid-brown sandy clay with occasional charcoal flecking. Excavation of this area was undertaken by Jonathon Monteith (see No. 894, E3404, below).