County: Cork Site name: BALLINGLANNA NORTH (2)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: E002415
Author: John Tierney, Eachtra Archaeological Projects
Site type: Industrial site and Habitation site
Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)
ITM: E 581387m, N 603613m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.184006, -8.272182
Phase 2 excavation works were undertaken along the route of the N8 Fermoy–Mitchelstown bypass on behalf of Cork County Council. The proposed bypass involves the construction of c. 16km of dual carriageway extending from Gortore, north of Fermoy, to Carrigane, north-east of Mitchelstown. A programme of advance archaeological testing (Phase 1) had been carried out in October 2005.
The site at Ballinglanna North 2 was perched on the glen overlooking Glencorra Stream. The site was split into three areas of excavation, Areas 1–3. No archaeology was found in Area 1.
The archaeological features at Area 2 comprised five hearths, a waste pit, three post-holes, a stake-hole and agricultural linear features. Two of the hearths were associated with single post-holes. There is no indication of the original purpose for any of the hearths. A post-hole and a stake-hole may have originally been part of a windshield that surrounded some of the hearths, as two hearths were located nearby. The waste pit was recut, indicating that it was used repeatedly.
The archaeological features were truncated by more recent archaeological activity at the site; there were five furrows orientated from east to west and three modern drainage features.
The archaeological features excavated in Area 3 included ten pits, two possible charcoal-burning pits, two definite and three possible post-holes and a possible palisade ditch. The possible palisade resembled an elongated triangle in plan; it represents a possible structure, similar to the end of the Neolithic houses excavated at Ballinglanna North 3 (see No. AD6, E2416, Excavations 2007) and Caherdrinny 3 (see No. AD15, E2422, Excavations 2007).
As in Area 2, there were several linear features at the site. These included a possible plough furrow and a small gully/depression. There were also several ditches that were remnants of field boundaries.
Ballycurreen Industrial Estate, Kinsale Road, Cork